I am currently logged in to the Azure Portal using a trial subscriptions (free 170 euro credit). I logged in with my Microsoft account from school. I took a trial subscription because I am interested in some services like Azure datalake gen2 and Azure databricks.
I am currently making a test project using this tutorial Tutorial: Access Data Lake Storage Gen2 data with Azure Databricks using Spark. To complete this tutorial you need a tenant ID, application ID, and authentication key. The tenant ID is retrieved from the tab 'Azure Active Directory' in the Azure portal.
I am trying to retrieve the tenant ID (also refered to as the Directory ID) from Azure Active Directory. Unfortunately I am unable to retrieve this id because of the following problem. When clicking the tab 'Azure Active Directory' the following message is displayed: "You do not have access".
Somehow Azure is automatically using the active directory instace from my school. In this AD instance I am a user. I don't need to access any information from the AD from my school. Is there anyway that I can tell Azure to create a new active directory instance for this account so I will have admin privileges? Or do I need to register again with a different account?