
I have a project on Vue.js using Webpack. And I want to add vue-cli features to it so I can work with it like I do with vue-cli generate project. But I don't know how to integrate vue-cli with existing project.

With new project I can do vue create <project-name but I couldn't find the instruction on integrating it with existing projects. Is there an official way to do so? (I suppose I can just create the new project and move all of the sources there, but still probably there's a better way to do it)

Have you tried this command 'npm install -g @vue/cli' ?Parth Jasani
There is no official way to do it. The docs precise that the Vue CLI the whole Vue app and doesn't say anything about integration into existing projects.Nino Filiu
@ParthJasani yep, it's not about the installing vue-cli, it's about adding it to existing projectserge1peshcoff
@NinoFiliu I thought the same, thanks for clarifying ;) I'll try to move my repo to a new vue-cli project as I've described then and will post it as an answer if it'll be successfulserge1peshcoff
You can create a project on an existing one and choose the merge option. of course part of your files will be overwritten :-( use git to revert then and pull from your repo. That's what I doPhilMaGeo

7 Answers


Inside the Project Folder in the terminal enter vue create .


I did it the "painful" way - by creating a new project and comparing to my existing one. I say painful because I was using Bootstrap directly in index page, also PWA settings. Parcel was used as a packager and my folders were all in the root (assets, components, etc.).

However, it was not that bad. The things I did to make the transition easier:

  • adjusted the folder hierarchy and names to match the new project
  • added the missing plugins to package.json
  • removed all PWA settings from index.html. They get injected automatically.
  • added the missing files and folders from the new project, namely
    • /public with contents
    • all the individual config files in root
  • added .eslintignore, ignoring node_modules/**
  • renamed index.js to main.js (although probably not necessary)
  • added bootstrap css through import in main.js
  • adjusted image paths (favicon and others). The favicon paths and names can probably be customized
  • updated "serve" script to "vue-cli-service serve --host --port 8080" in order to run the dev server

Using the terminal, run next command inside your project folder:

npx @vue/cli create .

After creating the vue-project inside your old project with vue create . you can add the app like vue does it itself with the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
    <meta charset=utf-8>
    <meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge">
    <meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
    <link rel=icon href=/favicon.ico>
    <link href=/css/app.e1774689.css rel=preload as=style>
    <link href=/js/app.ccdcf352.js rel=preload as=script>
    <link href=/js/chunk-vendors.d84bf368.js rel=preload as=script>
    <link href=/css/app.e1774689.css rel=stylesheet>
        <strong>We're sorry but planer-demo doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong>
    <div id=app></div> 
    <script src=/js/chunk-vendors.d84bf368.js></script>
    <script src=/js/app.ccdcf352.js></script>

In the Vue project manager, which you can access through $vue ui, choose the import option and import the folder you want to work with and add vue-cli features to.


So, I found an easier solution to this that worked for me. I am using Windows OS and WebStorm.

First, using my Windows File Explorer, I moved all my files into the directory/folder I wanted and titled it the App Name I preferred by a simple Cut/Copy & Paste.

Next, I opened my IDE (WebStorm) and chose to Open a Project and selected the new directory/folder. In my top level folder, I opened the terminal and entered: npx @vue/cli create --merge <Name of your directory/folder aka App Name> and then ENTER.

If the directory name already exists, it merged the CLI into this one. If not, it creates a new directory with the new App Name.

Last, follow remaining install prompts to choose your version.

To initiate the development server, choose your sub-directory or folder (under your newly merged app), open the terminal, cd to the folder path(if needed), enter the command: npm run serve and ENTER. This should start and compile to the development server and provide the local and network addresses for your app.

My file structure looked like this:

  • Main Root: Vue CLI Apps - Under this root folder I ran the npx @vue/cli create --merge <Name of your directory/folder aka App Name> command.
  • 1.1. Folder appname
  • 1.1.1 .idea (WebStorm)
  • Project Set Name
  • project 1 - Title - Under this subfolder is where I ran the npm run serve command.

Hope this saves a headache.

sudo vue create .

make sure you are in project directory