I recommend you to use ADFS 2.0 , it is very helpful in terms of claims mapping and works with AD.
Your app would receive and parse the final claims returned to your web server after the authentication loop.
Only problem is ADFS only works with AD, so it would work as an IdP if we assume all identity providers are AD-based. For other LDAPs you have to look for other solutions.
Also for the SAML response, it's an XML input which you can read like below
XDocument responseDoc = XDocument.Load(@"XMLFile1.xml");
XNamespace pr = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol";
XNamespace ast = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion";
XElement status = responseDoc.Element(pr + "Response").Element(pr + "Status");
string statusCode = (string)status.Element(pr + "StatusCode").Attribute("Value");
string statusMessage = (string)status.Element(pr + "StatusMessage");
Console.WriteLine("Status code: {0}; message: {1}.", statusCode, statusMessage);
XElement attStatement = responseDoc.Element(pr + "Response").Element(ast + "Assertion").Element(ast + "AttributeStatement");
string surname = (string)attStatement.Elements(ast + "Attribute").First(a => a.Attribute("AttributeName").Value == "Surname").Element(ast + "AttributeValue");
string firstname = (string)attStatement.Elements(ast + "Attribute").First(a => a.Attribute("AttributeName").Value == "FirstName").Element(ast + "AttributeValue");
string nrn = (string)attStatement.Elements(ast + "Attribute").First(a => a.Attribute("AttributeName").Value == "NRN").Element(ast + "AttributeValue");
Console.WriteLine("First name: {0}, last name: {1}; NRN: {2}", firstname, surname, nrn);
Check this thread for further information
Hope it helps.