
I am doing an ancient coins recognition system using matlab. What I have done so far is:

  1. convert to grayscale
  2. remove noise using Gaussian filter
  3. contrast enhancement
  4. edge detection using canny edge detector.

Now I want to extract feature for classification. Features I thought to select are roundness, area, colour, SIFT and SURF. My problem is how I can apply SIFT and SURF algorithms to my project. I couldn't find built-in functions for both.

@jetxee Thanks a lot. I'll go through the URLs u have provided. I don't have to change any code for my images do I? I just can include those libraries and use right?Nadeeshani Jayathilake

3 Answers


you can find a matlab implementation of SIFT features here: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~lowe/keypoints/


You can find SIFT as a C implementation with MATLAB bindings at: http://www.vlfeat.org/index.html


For anyone else coming across this thread as I did, I noticed the implementation at http://www.vlfeat.org/index.html was far more than I required and also fairly hard to adjust to my code. The following link; http://robwhess.github.io/opensift/, has an implementation of just the SIFT algorithm accompanied with an example executable, with the source code available (unlike http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~lowe/keypoints/ which only has the sift binary executable).