I am trying to upload a R Model in AzureML as webservice, model uses mlr package in R and its predict function, the output of mlr predict is a table of "PredictionClassif" "Prediction", for the linear model like Regression I use
PredictAction <- function(inputdata){
predict(RegModel, inputdata, type="response")
This is working perfectly fine in Azure.
When I use mlr package for classification with predict type probability, the predict function I have to write as,
PredictAction <- function(inputdata){
When calling the function
publishWebService(ws, fun, name, inputSchema)
It produces an Error as
converting `inputSchema` to data frame
Error in convertArgsToAMLschema(lapply(x, class)) :
Error: data type "table" not supported
as the predict function produces a table which I don't know how to convert or modify, so I give the outputschema
publishWebService(ws, fun, name, inputSchema,outputschema)
I am not sure how to specify the outputschema https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/AzureML/AzureML.pdf
outputschema is a list, the predict function from mlr produces the output of class
"PredictionClassif" "Prediction"
and the data output is a dataframe
I am seeking help on the syntax for outputschema in publishWebService function, or whether I have to add any other arguments of the function. Not sure where is the issue, whether AzureML can't read the wrapped Model or whether the predict function of mlr is executed properly in AzureML.
Getting Following Error in AzureML
Execute R Script Piped (RPackage) : The following error occurred during evaluation of R script: R_tryEval: return error: Error in UseMethod("predict") : no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "c('FilterModel', 'BaseWrapperModel', 'WrappedModel')"