As mentioned in my comment, you can have downstream jobs listen to upstream jobs instead of having upstream jobs trigger downstream jobs. When it comes to parameters, the following groovy code example can be used to retrieve them:
def up_stream_cause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause)
if (up_stream_cause != null ) {
def up_stream_run = up_stream_cause.upstreamRun
def parameters_action = up_stream_run.getAction(ParametersAction)
def parameters = parameters_action.getParameters()
Alternatively, you can of course simply build the downstream build during the upstream build using the following groovy code:
build job: 'job_name',
parameters: [
$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'parameter',
value: 'value'
Both of those solutions allow you to not trigger a downstream build when your upstream build fails, aborts or is unstable.
Job configuration of downstream build
>Build triggers
>Build after other projects are built
– Remy