function gcd(a,b){
if (!b)
return a
return gcd(b, a % b)
// (Started writing in Python,
// then switched to JavaScript...
// 'xrange(4)' -> [0, 1, 2, 3]
// 'xrange(2, 4)' -> [2, 3]
function xrange(){
let l = 0
let r = arguments[1] || arguments[0]
if (arguments.length > 1)
l = arguments[0]
return new Array(r - l).fill(0).map((_, i) => i + l)
// A lookup table and its reverse,
// mapping each of the 210 mod combinations,
// [n % 2, n % 3, n % 5, n % 7], to a key
// from 0 to 209.
// 'mod_combs[0]' -> [0, 0, 0, 0]
// 'mod_combs[209]' -> [1, 2, 4, 6]
// 'mod_keys[[0,0,0,0]]' -> 0
// 'mod_keys[[1,2,4,6]]' -> 209
let mod_combs = {}
let mod_keys = {}
let mod_key_count = 0
for (let m2 of xrange(2)){
for (let m3 of xrange(3)){
for (let m5 of xrange(5)){
for (let m7 of xrange(7)){
mod_keys[[m2, m3, m5, m7]] = mod_key_count
mod_combs[mod_key_count] = [m2, m3, m5, m7]
mod_key_count += 1
// The main lookup table built using the
// dynamic program
// [mod_key 210][l_digit 10][suffix length 20][prime_comb 16]
let table = new Array(210)
for (let mk of xrange(210)){
table[mk] = new Array(10)
for (let l_digit of xrange(10)){
table[mk][l_digit] = new Array(20)
for (let sl of xrange(20)){
table[mk][l_digit][sl] = new Array(16).fill(0)
// We build prime combinations from 0 (no primes) to
// 15 (all four primes), using a bitmask of up to four bits.
let prime_set = [0, 0, 1<<0, 1<<1, 0, 1<<2, 0, 1<<3, 0, 0]
// The possible digits that could
// follow a digit
function get_valid_digits(digit){
if (digit == 0)
return [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
else if ([2, 4, 8].includes(digit))
return [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
else if ([3, 9].includes(digit))
return [0, 3, 6, 9]
else if (digit == 6)
return [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9]
else if (digit == 5)
return [0, 5]
else if (digit == 7)
return [0, 7]
// Build the table bottom-up
// Single digits
for (let i of xrange(10)){
let mod_key = mod_keys[[i % 2, i % 3, i % 5, i % 7]]
let length = 1
let l_digit = i
let prime_comb = prime_set[i]
table[mod_key][l_digit][length][prime_comb] = 1
// Everything else
// For demonstration, we just table up to 6 digits
// since either JavaScript, this program, or both seem
// to be too slow for a full demo.
for (let length of xrange(2, 6)){
// We're appending a new left digit
for (let new_l_digit of xrange(0, 10)){
// The digit 1 is never valid
if (new_l_digit == 1)
// The possible digits that could
// be to the right of our new left digit
let ds = get_valid_digits(new_l_digit)
// For each possible digit to the right
// of our new left digit, iterate over all
// the combinations of primes and remainder combinations.
// The ones that are populated are valid paths, the
// sum of which can be aggregated for each resulting
// new combination of primes and remainders.
for (let l_digit of ds){
for (let p_comb of xrange(16)){
for (let m_key of xrange(210)){
new_prime_comb = prime_set[new_l_digit] | p_comb
// suffix's remainder combination
let [m2, m3, m5, m7] = mod_combs[m_key]
// new remainder combination
let m = Math.pow(10, length - 1) * new_l_digit
let new_mod_key = mod_keys[[(m + m2) % 2, (m + m3) % 3, (m + m5) % 5, (m + m7) % 7]]
// Aggregate any populated entries into the new
// table entry
table[new_mod_key][new_l_digit][length][new_prime_comb] += table[m_key][l_digit][length - 1][p_comb]
// If we need only a subset of the mods set to
// zero, we need to check all instances where
// this subset is zero. For example,
// for the prime combination, [2, 3], we need to
// check all mod combinations where the first two
// are zero since we don't care about the remainders
// for 5 and 7: [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1],... [0,0,4,6]
// Return all needed combinations given some
// predetermined, indexed remainders.
function prime_comb_to_mod_keys(remainders){
let mod_map = [2, 3, 5, 7]
let mods = []
for (let i of xrange(4))
mods.push(!remainders.hasOwnProperty(i) ? mod_map[i] - 1 : 0)
function f(ms, i){
if (i == ms.length){
for (let idx in remainders)
ms[idx] = remainders[idx]
return [mod_keys[ms]]
let result = []
for (let m=ms[i] - 1; m>=0; m--){
let _ms = ms.slice()
_ms[i] = m
result = result.concat(f(_ms, i + 1))
return result.concat(f(ms, i + 1))
return f(mods, 0)
function get_matching_mods(prefix, len_suffix, prime_comb){
let ps = [2, 3, 5, 7]
let actual_prefix = Math.pow(10, len_suffix) * prefix
let remainders = {}
for (let i in xrange(4)){
if (prime_comb & (1 << i))
remainders[i] = (ps[i] - (actual_prefix % ps[i])) % ps[i]
return prime_comb_to_mod_keys(remainders)
// A brute-force function to check the
// table is working. Returns a list of
// valid numbers of 'length' digits
// given a prefix.
function confirm(prefix, length){
let result = [0, []]
let ps = [0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 0, 0]
let p_len = String(prefix).length
function check(suffix){
let num = Math.pow(10, length - p_len) * prefix + suffix
let temp = num
prev = 0
while (temp){
let d = temp % 10
if (d == 1 || gcd(prev, d) == 1 || (ps[d] && num % d))
return [0, []]
prev = d
temp = ~~(temp / 10)
return [1, [num]]
for (suffix of xrange(Math.pow(10, length - p_len))){
let [a, b] = check(suffix)
result[0] += a
result[1] = result[1].concat(b)
return result
function get_prime_comb(prefix){
let prime_comb = 0
while (prefix){
let d = prefix % 10
prime_comb |= prime_set[d]
prefix = ~~(prefix / 10)
return prime_comb
// A function to test the table
// against the brute-force method.
// To match a prefix with the number
// of valid suffixes of a chosen length
// in the table, we want to aggregate all
// prime combinations for all valid digits,
// where the remainders for each combined
// prime combination (prefix with suffix)
// sum to zero (with the appropriate mod).
function test(prefix, length, show=false){
let r_digit = prefix % 10
let len_suffix = length - String(prefix).length
let prefix_prime_comb = get_prime_comb(prefix)
let ds = get_valid_digits(r_digit)
let count = 0
for (let l_digit of ds){
for (let prime_comb of xrange(16)){
for (let i of get_matching_mods(prefix, len_suffix, prefix_prime_comb | prime_comb)){
let v = table[i][l_digit][len_suffix][prime_comb]
count += v
let c = confirm(prefix, length)
return `${ count }, ${ c[0] }${ show ? ': ' + c[1] : '' }`
// Arbitrary prefixes
for (let length of [3, 4]){
for (let prefix of [2, 30]){
console.log(`prefix, length: ${ prefix }, ${ length }`)
console.log(`tabled, brute-force: ${ test(prefix, length, true) }\n\n`)
let length = 6
for (let l_digit=2; l_digit<10; l_digit++){
console.log(`prefix, length: ${ l_digit }, ${ length }`)
console.log(`tabled, brute-force: ${ test(l_digit, length) }\n\n`)