I've followed multiple tutorials on scenario analysis and what if analysis in power BI. these examples are quite clear to me and I somewhat understand how they work. For example this (https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/Scenario-Analysis-What-Ifs-Tips-amp-Techniques-For-Power-BI/ba-p/559653).
In this example they create a table that contains values for different scenarios
5% 10% 15% 20%
etc. and the user of the report can select these. But what if instead of direct values I have categorical values, such as "Low, medium, high, very high" like:
category - trend rise
low 5%
medium 10%
high 15%
very high 20%
On my other table I have:
Value - Item - trend_default
10 A 0.3
15 A 0.2
20 B 0.4
25 B 0.15
35 C 0.10
30 C 0.05
Now with a slicer I want to first select none, one or all of Items, after which I want to select which trend rise I want to apply on selected items(low, medium, high or very high). If I select only item A then Item B and C use their trend_default value in the calculation.