
I only know what I know through my experience through Computer Architecture course. Little-endian stores the LSB on the right and MSB on the left and on Big-endian it's vice versa.

That would mean a byte representation of 18 is 0001 0010 and on Big-endian it would be 0100 1000.

You seem to have forgotten to ask a question.ikegami
The B in MSB and LSB means byte, not bit. Further discussion on this can be found in this recent question: How bit endianness affects bitwise shifts and file IO in C?Greg Hewgill

1 Answers


No, it is not like that, say you have 3,168,415,017 as 32 bit unsigned number here is the Little Endian binary representation of it:

10111100 11011010 00101101 00101001

While the Big Endian representation would flip the BYTES but not the BITS inside the bytes.

00101001 00101101 11011010 10111100

Note that the bytes are flipped but the order of bits inside of each remains the same.