I am working with D3 JS libraries to display maps. Loading the U.S. states map is working fine, but if I attempt to load county maps for individual states, it isn't working properly. The file I am using for all states is found at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/d3/d3.github.com/master/us-10m.v1.json. The state map I am currently using is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deldersveld/topojson/master/countries/us-states/MI-26-michigan-counties.json, though other states have the same behavior.
Using the Chrome developer tools, I noticed that the states (the one that works) renders with one "path" element with one "d" element underneath it for the entire map:
<path d="M558.8236946374037,348.30360060633L559.3534721355569,348.2802219377176L567.3201262115587,347.9178525742255L571.2684679430778,347.7775805625511L572.0381446856777,347.7542018939387L577.0160540079474…
The counties render one "g" element with multiple "path" elements:
<g class="counties"><path d="M-86.2371554117112,44.517643343110294L-85.81834245759008,44.51265840274941L-85.82187674412275,44.16371257748768L-86.04276965241448,44.16620504766812L-86.38912973261591,44.178667398570326L-86.35201972402291,44.22851680217914L-86.26896399050521,44.344416665569646L-86.25305970110821,44.40049724462957L-86.24952541457554,44.48274876058412Z"></path><path d="M-84.13072063824123,42.42521462663013L-83.66596195919543,42.43144580208123L-83.55286479015007…
The D3 code I use to render them is the same, just pointing to the different data sources. This one points to the (working) states code:
d3.json("us-10m.v1.json", function (error, us) {
.attr("class", "counties")
.data(topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states).features)
.attr("d", path).append("svg:title");
The files themselves seem to be identically formatted, with (of course) different data, so I am at a loss as to why the large differences in the way the svg code is generated. The two differences I see are that the U.S. states file has a "bbox" element that the state files lack, and the Michigan file has "properties" elements inside of the geometries collection.