
I want to deploy two projects into azure devops. I created a pipeline which points to one app service which I created in Azure portal and deploy it. I am able to deploy one web project at a time, however when I try to add one more project (microservice) then release fail.

I am getting following error. enter image description here

please suggest something on this.

I want to use same app service and deploy one web application and microservice.


2 Answers


You can do this by adding two separate 'Deploy Azure App Service' steps to the release pipeline.

Make sure you change the package field

enter image description here

from: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.zip

to: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/****/[website-name].zip

and to: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/****/[microservice-name].zip


I think what you are trying to do is better solved in the Release part of DevOps.

  1. Create separate builds for both projects (this is still in Build stage)
  2. Create one release, and add both projects's artifacts (Image 1)
  3. You can sequence the deployment of each project when you create the stages - lets say prod stage.
  4. You can alternatively create one stage with separate tasks for the deployment of each solution. (Image 2)

Iamge 1

Image 2