
I have the following tables:

FactAssign { FactKey, BranchID, ClientID, CustomerName, StartDate, CalendarWeekKey, EmployeeguId }

DimBranch { BranchID, BranchName, Region}

DimClient { clientID, ClientName }

DimCalendar { CalendarWeekKey, WeekEndingDate, CalendarYear, CalendarWeek }

Data from FactAssign table here

Sample rows:

| BranchID | ClientID | StartDate | CalendarWeekKey | EmployeeGUID | DayofWeek |
| 4        | 591      | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 783357       | Friday    |
| 4        | 591      | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 3744071      | Friday    |
| 4        | 591      | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 710020       | Friday    |
| 4        | 591      | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 754929       | Friday    |
| 4        | 3032     | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 4036981      | Friday    |
| 4        | 5192     | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 731638       | Friday    |
| 4        | 5192     | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 784118       | Friday    |
| 4        | 5790     | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 756802       | Friday    |
| 4        | 5790     | 3/1/2019  | 20190303        | 3748444      | Friday    |

Result I need enter image description here

Here CurrentWeek 50 is the Average of the distinct count of Employees per day for branchID 4 for this week. Distinct Counts of Employees this week are 56,53,48,47,46 respectively from Monday thru Friday.

How can I get the AVERAGE of the DISTINCTCOUNT of Employees per branch per Week?

Dax I used :

Averagex =
        VALUES ( TestingAverageX[CalendarWeekKey] ),
        DISTINCTCOUNT ( TestingAverageX[EmployeeGUID] )
    FILTER ( TestingAverageX, TestingAverageX[CalendarWeekKey] = 20190303 )

Regards, Success

Your post is not specific enough to answer this without making a bunch of guesses. Please edit the post to include the information in your comment below as well as an example of how your data table(s) are structured.Alexis Olson
added more details to the question. I think my question is clear now. Can you please review? @Alexis olsonSuccess Maharjan

2 Answers


Solution to my question here:

AverageX =  CALCULATE (
        AVERAGEX (
            VALUES ( TestingAverageX[StartDate] ),
            CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( TestingAverageX[EmployeeGUID] ) )

I'm not sure exactly what filter context you want the measure to be evaluated in, but try something along these lines:

    VALUES( Table1[BranchName] ),
    DISTINCTCOUNT( Table1[EmployeeID] )