I am currently building an automated trash bin using Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with Android application support where I would use a servo motor as an actuator for the lid and the Android application as a form of wireless remote control. Everything went on smoothly until I've encountered a problem that whenever I attempt to press a button on my Android application, the Python shell program has errors during testing. I've used a reference video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8THp3mhbdA&t=1s) and followed everything thoroughly until I've hit this roadblock.
The results to me that keeps appearing are:
Waiting for connection
...connected from :
Where the supposed result, according to the reference video, is:
Waiting for connection
...connected from : ('', 11937)
Increase: 2.5
As you can see, the IP address, the port, and 'Increase' text doesn't appear, meaning there is something wrong with the code.
According to some comments that was made by the people who watched the video, this code is outdated, using Python 2, and the latest version we have now is Python 3, and that we need to use a ".encode()" line in a condition. However, as someone who is still new to Python, I'm afraid that I still don't have the knowledge to apply this on the code.
Here is the code that was used in the video:
import Servomotor
from socket import *
from time import ctime
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
ctrCmd = ['Up','Down']
HOST = ''
PORT = 21567
BUFSIZE = 1024
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
print 'Waiting for connection'
tcpCliSock,addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
print '...connected from :', addr
while True:
data = ''
data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZE)
if not data:
if data == ctrCmd[0]:
print 'Increase: ',Servomotor.cur_X
if data == ctrCmd[1]:
print 'Decrease: ',Servomotor.cur_X
except KeyboardInterrupt:
I have already changed the text strings that used the ' ' format into the (" ") format since it also produced some errors in the code which I corrected immediately.
Any help will be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!