My implementation of AmazonDynamoDBv2's AmazonDynamoDBAsync.queryAsync with a QueryRequest is returning a code 400 "Query condition missed key schema element ..." when I am querying on a GSI.
I have tried using both the DynamoDBAttribute name ("myAttr") AND the GSI's actual index name ("idx_global_myAttr") and receive the same error code. This is running against the Docker image "amazon/dynamodb-local".
I have read the DynamoDB docs on GSIs, but I cannot figure out how to target the secondary index in this query. It seems to only respond to the primary index.
Table Description: `
tableDescription: {
attributeDefinitions: {
"attributeName": "myAttr",
"attributeType": "S"
"attributeName": "id",
"attributeType": "S"
"tableName": "myTable",
"globalSecondaryIndexes": [
"indexName": "idx_global_ myAttr",
"keyType": "HASH"
var attributeValue = new AttributeValue().withS(value);
var expressionAttributeValueMap = Map.of(":v1", attributeValue);
var queryRequest = new QueryRequest("myTable")
.withKeyConditionExpression("myAttr = :v1");