
I wrote a program which is not checking the file update time but its not checking recursive folder files.kindly help for recursive folder files as well. My code is here :

Sub getfilestat1() Dim fileName As String Dim CurrCyleTime As Date Dim PrevCycleTime As Date Dim DBCycleTime As Date

Dim connectionString As String, sql As String
Dim _SQLConnection As AseConnection
Dim _SQLCommand As AseCommand
Dim _SQLAdapter As AseDataAdapter
Dim _DataSet As DataSet
Dim _SQLReader As AseDataReader

_SQLConnection = New AseConnection
_SQLCommand = New AseCommand
_SQLConnection.ConnectionString = "Data Source='';Port=9713;Database=db_print;Uid=kuat199;Pwd=testing1; "
_SQLCommand.Connection = _SQLConnection
_SQLCommand.CommandText = ""
_SQLCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
_SQLCommand.CommandTimeout = 900000000


Dim command As New AseCommand("select * from Kampachi_Cycle", _SQLConnection)
Dim reader As AseDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
While reader.Read()

    ' Console.WriteLine(reader("pol_no").ToString() & " " & Convert.ToString(reader("image_return")) & " " & Convert.ToString(reader("no_of_images")))
    DBCycleTime = reader("CYCLE").ToString()
End While
' Dim asSettings As AppSettingsSection = cAppConfig.AppSettings

'Dim fi As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("D:\Vimal\test")
Dim fi As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("\\kaip3r7ciwf01\BicorData\report\kam\")
Dim files = fi.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList()

'For Each filename As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(Directory, "*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
'For Each file In files Select file Order By file.CreationTime Descending
''Dim first = (From file In files Select file Order By file.CreationTime Ascending).FirstOrDefault

'Count the number files in network path
Dim fcount = files.Count()

'Fetching the previous cycle run time from config  file
PrevCycleTime = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("PrevCycleTime")
CurrCyleTime = Now()
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("PrevCycleTime") = CurrCyleTime

For i As Integer = 0 To fcount - 1
    If files(i).LastWriteTime > DBCycleTime.AddMinutes(-20) Then
        fileName = files(i).Name.ToString()
        Dim insertCmd As New AseCommand("INSERT INTO Kampachi_FilesProcess " + " ( FILENAME, FileReadStatus) " + " VALUES( @file_name, @read_stat )", _SQLConnection)
        Dim parm As New AseParameter("@file_name", AseDbType.VarChar, 1000)
        parm = New AseParameter("@read_stat", AseDbType.VarChar, 12)
        Dim recordsAffected As Integer
        insertCmd.Parameters(0).Value = fileName
        insertCmd.Parameters(1).Value = "Y"
        recordsAffected = insertCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

        If i = 0 Then
            fileName = files(i).Name.ToString()
            Dim updCmd As New AseCommand("update Kampachi_Cycle set CYCLE = Getdate()", _SQLConnection)
            Dim updparm As New AseParameter("@file_name", AseDbType.VarChar, 1000)
            recordsAffected = updCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

        End If

    End If


End Sub

After these changes it looks fine and giving out properly. It is giving recursive reading as well.

What part of your code do you think should be recursive?Enigmativity
@Enigmativity part which read the files inside folder.it cannt read subfolders files. Dim files = fi.GetFileSystemInfos.ToListvim

1 Answers


Change this line:

Dim files = fi.GetFileSystemInfos.ToList()


Dim files = fi.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList()

To answer below question about the If not checking all of the files: You are correct, but your code explicitly used the FirstOrDefault method so it would only ever examine the first file. I don't know what you're doing with the rest of your program here, and your question didn't specify, but the above answered your question about recursive file searching.

To get a list of all the files that are older than 25 minutes use this code:

Dim files As List(Of FileInfo) = fi.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList
Dim oldFileTimeStamp As DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-25)
Dim olderFiles As List(Of FileInfo) = files.Where(Function(fi2) fi2.LastWriteTime > oldFileTimeStamp).ToList()

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