What is the best way to create a persistent volume claim with ReadWriteMany attaching the volume to multiple pods?
Based off the support table in https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes, GCEPersistentDisk does not support ReadWriteMany natively.
What is the best approach when working in the GCP GKE world? Should I be using a clustered file system such as CephFS or Glusterfs? Are there recommendations on what I should be using that is production ready?
I was able to get an NFS pod deployment configured following the steps here - https://medium.com/platformer-blog/nfs-persistent-volumes-with-kubernetes-a-case-study-ce1ed6e2c266 however it seems a bit hacky and adds another layer of complexity. It also seems to only allow one replica (which makes sense as the disk can't be mounted multiple times) so if/when the pod goes down, my persistent storage will as well.