
I'm attempting to announce a "please wait" message periodically in an ongoing conference call using the Twilio API. I found some guidance via: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17846262/85359, however when I attempt to client.conferences('CXXXXXXXID').update(announce_url: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.please_wait_message_url) I receive:

Twilio::REST::RestError: [HTTP 404] 20404 : Unable to update record
The requested resource /2010-04-01/Accounts/asdf/Conferences/CXXXXXXXID.json was not found

However, I've verified that the conference lookup does work (not a real 404) by also trying .update(status: 'completed') and I'm seeing that API call work and the conference call end.

I'm guessing this has something to do with my URL used and the error message is very non-descriptive. I have confirmed that a POST to the URL I'm passing in does return some TwiML via Postman API testing tool.

I'm using the latest version of the twilio-ruby gem (5.20.1).


1 Answers


After receiving email support from Twilio, it turns out that the conference announce_url feature only works when there are multiple participants present on the conference call.

They recommend providing your own waitUrl music with your message overlaid if you're wanting a periodic "please wait" messages as well as music.