I've been stuck with some ambiguous grammar for a while now as yacc reports 6 shift/reduce conflicts. I've looked in the y.output file and have tried to understand how to look at the states and figure out what to do to fix the ambiguous grammar but to no avail. I'm legitimately stuck at how I'm supposed to fix the issues. I've looked at a lot of questions on stack overflow to see if other people's explanation would help me with my problem, but that hasn't helped me much either. For the record, I cannot use any precedence defining directives such as %left
to solve the parsing conflicts.
Would someone be able to help me out by guiding me as to how I should change the grammar to fix the shift/reduce conflicts? Maybe by trying to resolve one of the issues and showing me the thinking process behind it? I know the grammar is quite long and hefty and I apologize in advance for that. If anyone is willing to spare their free time on this it would be greatly appreciated, but I realize that I may not be able to have that.
Anyways, here is my grammar in question (it is a slight expansion of the MiniJava grammar):
0 $accept: program $end
1 program: main_class class_decl_list
2 main_class: CLASS ID '{' PUBLIC STATIC VOID MAIN '(' STRING '[' ']' ID ')' '{' statement '}' '}'
3 class_decl_list: class_decl_list class_decl
4 | %empty
5 class_decl: CLASS ID '{' var_decl_list method_decl_list '}'
6 | CLASS ID EXTENDS ID '{' var_decl_list method_decl_list '}'
7 var_decl_list: var_decl_list var_decl
8 | %empty
9 method_decl_list: method_decl_list method_decl
10 | %empty
11 var_decl: type ID ';'
12 method_decl: PUBLIC type ID '(' formal_list ')' '{' var_decl_list statement_list RETURN exp ';' '}'
13 formal_list: type ID formal_rest_list
14 | %empty
15 formal_rest_list: formal_rest_list formal_rest
16 | %empty
17 formal_rest: ',' type ID
18 type: INT
20 | ID
21 | type '[' ']'
22 statement: '{' statement_list '}'
23 | IF '(' exp ')' statement ELSE statement
24 | WHILE '(' exp ')' statement
25 | SOUT '(' exp ')' ';'
26 | SOUT '(' STRING_LITERAL ')' ';'
27 | ID '=' exp ';'
28 | ID index '=' exp ';'
29 statement_list: statement_list statement
30 | %empty
31 index: '[' exp ']'
32 | index '[' exp ']'
33 exp: exp OP exp
34 | '!' exp
35 | '+' exp
36 | '-' exp
37 | '(' exp ')'
38 | ID index
39 | ID '.' LENGTH
40 | ID index '.' LENGTH
42 | TRUE
43 | FALSE
44 | object
45 | object '.' ID '(' exp_list ')'
46 object: ID
47 | THIS
48 | NEW ID '(' ')'
49 | NEW type index
50 exp_list: exp exp_rest_list
51 | %empty
52 exp_rest_list: exp_rest_list exp_rest
53 | %empty
54 exp_rest: ',' exp
And here are the relevant states from y.output that have shift/reduce conflicts.
State 58
7 var_decl_list: var_decl_list . var_decl
12 method_decl: PUBLIC type ID '(' formal_list ')' '{' var_decl_list . statement_list RETURN exp ';' '}'
INT shift, and go to state 20
BOOLEAN shift, and go to state 21
ID shift, and go to state 22
ID [reduce using rule 30 (statement_list)]
$default reduce using rule 30 (statement_list)
var_decl go to state 24
type go to state 25
statement_list go to state 69
State 76
38 exp: ID . index
39 | ID . '.' LENGTH
40 | ID . index '.' LENGTH
46 object: ID .
'[' shift, and go to state 64
'.' shift, and go to state 97
'.' [reduce using rule 46 (object)]
$default reduce using rule 46 (object)
index go to state 98
State 100
33 exp: exp . OP exp
34 | '!' exp .
OP shift, and go to state 103
OP [reduce using rule 34 (exp)]
$default reduce using rule 34 (exp)
State 101
33 exp: exp . OP exp
35 | '+' exp .
OP shift, and go to state 103
OP [reduce using rule 35 (exp)]
$default reduce using rule 35 (exp)
State 102
33 exp: exp . OP exp
36 | '-' exp .
OP shift, and go to state 103
OP [reduce using rule 36 (exp)]
$default reduce using rule 36 (exp)
State 120
33 exp: exp . OP exp
33 | exp OP exp .
OP shift, and go to state 103
OP [reduce using rule 33 (exp)]
$default reduce using rule 33 (exp)
And there we have it. I apologize again for the length of this grammar and the number of shift/reduce conflicts. I just cannot seem to understand how to fix them by changing the grammar in question. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated, though if no one has time to look through such a massive post, I would understand. If anyone needs more information, don't hesitate to ask.