
I am using *ngFor to display values from an array:

    id: 1,
    name: 'item1'
    id: 2,
    name: 'item2'


<div *ngFor="let item of (items$ | async); trackBy: trackById;">
   // more html to display data


items$: Observable<any>;
trackById = trackByProperty('id');

ngOnInit() {
  this.items$ = this.store.pipe(select(selectors.itemsSelector));

trackByProperty<T = any>(property: keyof T) {
  return (index: number, object: T) => object[property];

This works as intended, ngFor gets the correct and current values in the items$ array

My issue is that when I update the items$ array using ngrx it doesn't seem to catch the new array and doesn't update the DOM

Heres the flow of data using ngrx

  1. Dispatch action to the reducer, sending a new object to add to the array.

      this.store.dispatch(new actions.UpdateArray(
          { id: 3, name: 'item3' }
  2. Reducer picks up this action and updates the store state with the updated array (receives the new item and pushes it to the array).

    case actions.UPDATE_ARRAY: {
      const newItem = action.payload;
      const items = state.items;
      return {
  3. Selector updates.

I can confirm the state gets updated correctly when logging out the action.payload in the reducer.

Does anyone know why I'm not getting an updated array in the *ngFor?

Forgot to mention, but I'm using changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush as my change detection in my component


I found out that the DOM actually updates when you click on the component. I'd like it to update without having to do that.

Pkt. 2, you update array with push method? If yes you should change it to spread operator which create new instance of array: return [... oldArray, newElement]pioro90
Could you post the code relevant to your store ? Actions, states, reducers, effects ...user4676340
@cup_of I "kind of" mocked the behavior here and it seems to work. Would you be able to reproduce your issue with that ?user4676340
@cup_of seems strange indeed. It would mean your view isn't updated, which is in contradiction with the reactive programming that triggers a change detection. That's a really strange issue ! Try reproducing on stackblitz, and either post your minimal reproducible example here or on the Angular/NgRx github repos, see what they will answer you !user4676340
@trichetriche I actually think the same as you, but I think using memoized selectors could cause weird behavior. It's a simple change (and also a good practice) so I think the OP should try it.Tzach Ovadia

1 Answers


This might happen because NgRx selectors use Memoization which sometimes causes undesirable behavior.


case actions.UPDATE_ARRAY: {
  const newItem = action.payload;
  const items = state.items;
  return {


case actions.UPDATE_ARRAY: {
  const newItem = action.payload;
  const items = [...state.items, newItem]; // <-- creates new instance
  return {

should solve the problem.