I am displaying a listbox from which the user may select lines. The code then reads from the spreadsheet cells associated with that list item and set a number of text variables. These are then concatenated and stored in to an array.
Finally, the array is read and the strings copied to the Clipboard.
However, when I try to use CTRL-v to paste the values in to an email/text file, no text is entered (the Clipboard appears to be empty).
Below is the salient code...
NB. Code based on a 3-line selection from the Listbox
Dim LinesOfData() As String
'Other code that doesn't have direct relevance.. builds the strings
Set MyData = New DataObject
Dim record As Variant
Dim Indentifier As String
j = 0
For Each record In LinesOfData
Indentifier = "FormatID" & CStr(j)
Debug.Print record
MyData.SetText record, Indentifier
' Test code only
If j = 0 Then 'First pass, only 1 record to check
S = MyData.GetText("FormatID0")
Debug.Print S 'Shows correct value
ElseIf j = 1 Then '2nd pass, 2 records to check
S = MyData.GetText("FormatID0")
Debug.Print S 'Shows correct value
S = MyData.GetText("FormatID1")
Debug.Print S 'Shows correct value
ElseIf j = 2 Then
S = MyData.GetText("FormatID0")
Debug.Print S 'Shows correct value
S = MyData.GetText("FormatID1")
Debug.Print S 'Shows correct value
S = MyData.GetText("FormatID2")
Debug.Print S 'Shows correct value
End If
' If I go and try to paste in another appl'n at this point, nothing!
j = j + 1
Next record
' End code
Now it doesn't matter if I exit the particular userform, or the application, I still have an empty Clipboard (despite being able to read the data from the Clipboard within the code).