
In OpenLayers 5, when getting the view extent using const extent = this.view.calculateExtent(this.map.getSize()) and then converting it to latLng using toLonLat() the result values are clamped (-180 to 180 for longitudes) if the map is at a very low zoom level.

Is there any way of avoiding this clamping, like for example using another projection, or another function?

You can use ol.proj.transform() or ol.proj.transformExtent() to transform to 'EPSG:4326'. Unlike toLonLat() they won't normalise the longitude.Mike

1 Answers


I will answer myself. Looking at the code toLonLat() applies a transform equivalent to transform(coordinate, 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326') and then clamps the Longitude. So the answer is to use transform() instead of toLonLat(). Additionally, there is also a transformExtent() function.