
I have created a function app against a new consumption plan with the following command:

az functionapp create
    --resource-group myresourcegroup 
    --storage-account mystorageaccount 
    --name myfunctionapp
    --runtime node
    --consumption-plan-location northeurope 

This creates the function app correctly, but the app service plan is called NorthEuropePlan, which does not meet the naming guidelines I am following. I cannot see anything in the docs that will allow me to change this name.

Therefore, I would like to create the app service plan before, as a consumption plan (tier Y1 Dynamic), and then create a function app against this plan.

az resource create
    --resource-group myresourcegroup
    --name myconsumptionplan
    --resource-type Microsoft.web/serverfarms
    --properties "{\"location\":\"northeurope\",\"sku\":{\"name\":\"Y1\",\"tier\":\"Dynamic\"}}"

That command works correctly, and creates me an app service plan. However, when I try to use that plan (substituting --consumption-plan-location northeurope for --plan myconsumptionplan), I get this error:

There was a conflict. AlwaysOn cannot be set for this site as the plan does not allow it.

Do I need to specify some more configuration when I make the app service plan?

When I run az appservice plan show against NorthEuropePlan and myconsumptionplan, the only difference in the object that comes back is the name.

Is AlwaysOn an option that you can provide for either the function app or the resource?Henry Ing-Simmons
@HenryIng-Simmons I believe that it's a setting against a Function App, it's on by default and can be turned off through the UI, but only once the Function App is made. I can't see a way to stop it being on by defaultJames Monger

1 Answers


When you are using --plan I believe the run time will think it is an App Service Plan and will configure Always ON which is not allowed in consumption plan so I guess you cannot do it like the way you are doing.

You can achieve it with ARM template though. Below is the example command:

az group create 
        --name ExampleGroup 
        --location "North Europe"

az group deployment create 
        --name ExampleDeployment 
        --resource-group ExampleGroup 
        --template-uri "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-function-app-create-dynamic/azuredeploy.json"

The URL mentioned in the template-uri is sample template which will create consumption-pan, storage and functionapp.

Deployment will ask the name of parameters (appName) at runtime.