Is there a way to run a Lambda on every DynamoDb table record?
I have a Dynamo table with name, last name, email and a Lambda that takes name, last name, email as parameters. I am trying to configure the environment such that, every day, the Lambda runs automatically for every value it finds within Dynamo; can't do all the records in one Lambda as it won't scale (will timeout once more users are added).
I currently have a CloudWatch rule set up that triggers the lambda on schedule but I had to manually add the parameters to the trigger from Dynamo - It's not automatic and not dynamic/not connected to dynamo.
Another option would be to run a lambda every time a DynamoDb record is updated... I could update all the records weekly and then upon updating them the Lambda would be triggered but I don't know if that's possible either.
Some more insight on either one of these approaches would be appreciated!