
I've got an ansible playbook for adding over 50 ssh-users for a packer ami build.

Here is how my /playbooks/roles/users/tasks/create_user.yml: looks like.

- name: "User {{ item.name }}"
    comment: "Add {{ item.name }} account"
    name: "{{ item.name }}"
    home: "/data/companies/project/{{ item.name }}"
    state: present
    uid: "{{ item.uid }}"
    group: company
    groups: company
    shell: /sbin/nologin
    state: present
    generate_ssh_key: no
    password: "{{ item.password }}"

- name: "Create home directory for {{ item.name }}"
    path: "/data/companies/project/{{ item.name }}"
    state: directory
    owner: "{{ item.name }}"
    group: company
    mode: 0700

Here's how /playbooks/roles/users/vars/main.yml file looks like

location: UK
  - name: user1
    password: $6$8T8lH2vS$JKIdqkQmHUHR/s75RYMguPyHTisnNrXIPOjJ9IWxMHB4LY9PJX.3rgkmfLCWAHDi5VYZno2ntlYm7Kkdy0iAZ.
    uid: 601
    location: UK
  - name: user2
    password: $6$8T8lH2vS$JKIdqkQmHUHR/s75RYMguPyHTisnNrXIPOjJ9IWxMHB4LY9PJX.3rgkmfLCWAHDi5VYZno2ntlYm7Kkdy0iAZ
    uid: 602
    location: USA

Here's how my "/playbooks/roles/users/tasks/main.yml" looks like

 - name: Create users based on location
   include: create_users.yml
   loop: "{{ users | selectattr('location', 'equalto', location) | list }}"

When the corresponding packer build has been run there are no errors but user1,user2 and their attributes are not getting created.

amazon-ebs: TASK [: Create users based on location] ***********************************
    amazon-ebs: PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
    amazon-ebs: default                    : ok=10   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=0

Please can someone help me understand as to why users are not getting created? Thanks

You may want to read about variablesKonstantin Suvorov

2 Answers


This is commonly approached through the use of variables and loops. Extract all the variable stuff out into a list variable, containing dictionaries of params, then use a loop to read through and apply. So based on your role approach:

Create a task file containing the two tasks to run - /playbooks/roles/users/tasks/create_user.yml:


- name: User "{{ item.name }}"
    comment "{{ item.name }} company account"
    name: "{{ item.name }}"
    home: "/data/company/{{ item.name }}"
    state: present
    uid: 666
    group: company
    groups: company
    shell: /bin/bash
    state: present
    generate_ssh_key: no
    password: "{{ item.password }}"

- name: "Create home directory for {{ item.name }}"
    path: "/data/company/{{ item.name }}"
    state: directory
    owner: "{{ item.name }}"
    group: company
    mode: 0700

Create a vars file containing your users - /playbooks/roles/users/vars/main.yml:


location: UK   # This will be your default. It can be overridden in a variety of places
  - name: user1
    password: <some password>
    location: US
  - name: user2
    password: <some password>
    location: UK
  - name: user3
    password: <some password>
    location: UK

then in /playbooks/roles/users/tasks/main.yml:


- name: Create users based on location
  include: create_user.yml
  loop: "{{ users | selectattr('location', 'equalto', location) | list }}"

Hopefully most of it is self explanatory. Because you are using a role, by placing the users variable in /playbooks/roles/users/vars/main.yml, the variable is automatically made available. The users | selectattr('location', 'equalto', location) expression, takes the user variable and filters the list to only include objects where the 'location' element is equal to the value specified in the 'location' variable.





Some additional hints, you can use defaults too. Also, in case you want to protect the encrypted passwords, you can store them in Ansible Vault:

users.yml example:

- name: user1
  uid: 666
  group: group1
  groups: [allusers]
  comment: User One
  home: /home/user1
  shell: /bin/bash

passwords: "{{ vault_passwords }}"

The vault file you crypt with 'ansible-vault' command looks like (decrypted):

- name: user1
  password: $6$509875346RH.RAaVNW2iWtf/QJ4zUGaJiEyh.

playbook included tasks file example:

  - name: Set up user accounts
      name: "{{ item.name }}"
      create_home: '{{ item.createhome | default("no") }}'
      uid: "{{ item.uid }}"
      group: "{{ item.group }}"
      state: '{{ item.state | default("present") }}'
      comment: '{{ item.comment | default("Ansible created comment") }}'
      home: "{{ item.home }}"
      shell: '{{ item.shell | default("/bin/bash") }}'
    with_items: "{{ users }}"

  - name: Set up user account passwords
      name: "{{ item.name }}"
      password: '{{ item.password | default("*") }}'
    with_items: "{{ passwords }}"