
enter image description hereI have tried multiple times to follow the instructions provided in https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/13.basic-bot

to deploy the sample bot on azure. I have followed all instructions as it is as mentioned in the read me file, but I am running into some problems on local and on deployed bot as well.

Deployed Bot:
On sending a message, it says couldn't send retry. On checking the log it gives the following error - There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code InternalServerError

Emulator on local:
Refresh access token failed with status code: 401

Is there some other step as well which is not mentioned in the read me file.

you sure you configured the proper secret? did you try debugging?4c74356b41
Can you please tell me which secret are you talking about. I am also sure its something because of secret. There are 2 passwords - One is microsoft app id and password, another is bot secret .Developer
yeah, appId\password, thats what I'm referring to4c74356b41
Sorry but can you please tell me what precaution shall i take to set it. It was not there in the application settings of the web app, so i have added it manually. I have added the picture of application settingsDeveloper
yeah, are you sure those are the "real" ones? i think they must match with what you have in your bot dashboard4c74356b41

1 Answers


Make sure when you deploy the bot you check the option in visual studio to remove additional files at destination. By default, the azure resource has a sample bot and there is probably a naming conflict.

enter image description here