I'm trying to find a way to properly desing my Data Model with Firestore. I'm looking for something similar to what Tinder does, showing you people that you have'nt swiped yet, based on your location.
So I ended up with something like :
- A User1 has an array of "met people"
- A "Haven't yet met user"/ User2 his also a User with the same document model
- They all belong in the same "Users" collection
- I want to query all the users that this User1 haven't swiped yet
I know that you can't do something like "array_not_contains" or "!=" because all fields that you query need to be indexed.
So I wonder, is this possible to model data to make it work, or the only solution is to drop Firebase because this kind of query is not possible at all?
One alternative can be to store in a collection all the relationships (with theirs status) between all users. But that also means that whenever a user signup, I have to create as many documents as I have users that's really ugly and make a enormous numbers of documents.
Thanks again for your answer and sorry for my late answer.
There is no need to create a new database call since you already got all the users from that area in the first place.
Not If have a large response set, I will limit to a number. (5 in the example below).
And even If I don't limit the number, in the next db call, how I can know that new peoples has been added and how to retrieve only those.
I will not remove them from Users Collection has they can be show to others users.
P.S: I forget User4 in Users Collection pictures.
For User 1, get 5 first matchs, remove existing ones, show User5.
For User2, get 5 first matchs, remove existing ones, show User4, User5.
After users choices, Users are added to their list. Users Collection stay the same.
For User 1, get 5 first matchs, remove existing ones, nothing to show, even if I have a User 6, 7.
To fix that I launch a second query get the new ones but, more the user use the app more query I may need to do to try to display to him existing user in his area.
Maybe I've misunderstood what you named "initial list", for me it is the list object retrieve from my db containing all users (with limit).
You can check the answers of Alex Mamo to know how to query documents that are not exist in an array possible.
Let's me explain my use case and why I think, that won't work.
I want to be able to search all users next to me, for trying to do that in Firebase, I store Geopoint. Geopoint can't be really use for now out of the box with Firebase, so I user Geofirestore in a Cloud Function.
I store and update user Geopoints based on theirs locations, so this means user location change by time.
I limit the numbers of Users return by this function.
In my initial state I retrieve users next to me (User1), I get 3 an 4.
Let's say that I store last checked userId to use it later as a cursor for my query (User 4).
Now my geopoint change, and the users in this area changes too.
I request next bunch of users next to me, and I use my previous userId/document to "startAfter" (more on this
here), see the image below, that's won't work.
If I use the cursor (User4), I'll take 5, but not 2, because in the return list, if I order by Id, 2 will be before 4.
Worse, like below, if the return list may not even have user 4 in it, the cursor will be pointless.
My example is a bit simplified and does not take in account what is described in the first answer and my first edit (limited subset of users, data design).