Why do I get reponse with a different place_id, then the one I used in my place details API query?
"html_attributions" : [],
"result" : {
"address_components" : [
"long_name" : "50",
"short_name" : "50",
"types" : [ "street_number" ]
"long_name" : "Market Street",
"short_name" : "Market St",
"types" : [ "route" ]
"long_name" : "Melbourne",
"short_name" : "Melbourne",
"types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
"long_name" : "Melbourne City",
"short_name" : "Melbourne",
"types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
"long_name" : "Victoria",
"short_name" : "VIC",
"types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
"long_name" : "Australia",
"short_name" : "AU",
"types" : [ "country", "political" ]
"long_name" : "3000",
"short_name" : "3000",
"types" : [ "postal_code" ]
"formatted_address" : "50 Market St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia",
"place_id" : "Eis1MCBNYXJrZXQgU3QsIE1lbGJvdXJuZSBWSUMgMzAwMCwgQXVzdHJhbGlhIjASLgoUChIJHdPO1kxd1moRERexnPHkJEAQMioUChIJdS9W0Exd1moRz0JzpAXPMys",
"types" : [ "street_address" ]
"status" : "OK"
Also I noticed the address returned is different.
The placeid in my query, is what I received for an autocompletion service response.
"description" : "9/50 Market Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia",
"id" : "06f000a321dc5f1347b79dcbe4d611390f750f36",
"matched_substrings" : [
"length" : 18,
"offset" : 0
"structured_formatting" : {
"main_text" : "9/50 Market Street",
"main_text_matched_substrings" : [
"length" : 18,
"offset" : 0
"secondary_text" : "Melbourne VIC, Australia"
"terms" : [
"offset" : 0,
"value" : "9/50 Market Street"
"offset" : 20,
"value" : "Melbourne"
"offset" : 30,
"value" : "VIC"
"offset" : 35,
"value" : "Australia"
"types" : [ "route", "geocode" ]
Looks like for some reason, google maps is dropping the subpermise information, when using the place details API and returning the street_address.
Is there a way I can force google maps API to return me the details for the subpremise?