
I am getting string like this, 55,118,122,126,116,58,125,119,132 from API. These are the ids. I have a angular mat-selection-list. I want to initially select these value. So, basically i want to update existing data and send it to again.

this is my Mat selection list.

 <mat-selection-list #yuvakslist  [(ngModel)]="preselectedOptions" 
<mat-list-option *ngFor="let yuvak of yuvaks" class="mt-1" [value]="yuvak.user_id">
          <nb-user name="{{yuvak.cnt_first_name + ' ' + 
 yuvak.cnt_last_name}}" size="large" title="{{yuvak.cnt_mobile_no}}"

i tried assigning all the ids i receive from API to array like this.

const preselectedOptions: Number[] = data.data.present_contact;

i want to pre-select those values onto mat-selection-list. So, i can update form.

preselectedOptions: Number[] is an array but preselectedoptions need to be single element.Hameed Syed
@tanmay, your preselectedOptions must be a variable of your .ts, therefore this variable must be an array, so if you get a string use split to create the array: preselectedOptions =yourdata.split(','). I made an example in stackblitz.com/edit/angular-qcxfbe?file=app/…Eliseo

1 Answers


Instead of ngModel its better to use angular reactive forms to accomplish this.

Here is an example


    <mat-select placeholder="Users" [formControl]="userForm" multiple>
        <mat-option *ngFor="let user of userList" [value]="user">


import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {FormControl} from '@angular/forms';

    selector: 'app',
    templateUrl: 'app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
    userList: any[] = [
        { name: 'Robin', id: 1 }, 
        { name: 'Pandey', id: 2 }
    userForm: FormControl;

    constructor() {
        this.userForm = new FormControl([this.userList[0]]);