
In my project, I am looking to use a streaming pipeline in Google Dataflow in order to process Pub/Sub messages. In cleaning the input data, I am looking to also have a side input from BigQuery. This has presented a problem that will cause one of the two inputs to not work.

I have set in my Pipeline options for streaming=True, which allows the Pub/Sub inputs to process properly. But BigQuery is not compatible with streaming pipelines (see link below):


I received this error: "ValueError: Cloud Pub/Sub is currently available for use only in streaming pipelines." This is understandable based on the limitations.

But I am only looking to use BigQuery as a side input in order to map data to the incoming Pub/Sub data stream. It works fine locally, but once I try to run it on Dataflow, it returns the error.

Has anyone found a good workaround for this?

EDIT: adding the framework of my pipeline below for reference:

# Set all options needed to properly run the pipeline
options = PipelineOptions(streaming=True,

p = beam.Pipeline(options = options)

n_tbl_src = (p
         | 'Nickname Table Read' >> beam.io.Read(beam.io.BigQuerySource(
            table = nickname_spec

# This is the main Dataflow pipeline. This will clean the incoming dataset for importing into BQ.
clean_vote = (p
              | beam.io.gcp.pubsub.ReadFromPubSub(topic = None,
                                     subscription = 'projects/{0}/subscriptions/{1}'
                                                  .format(project_id, subscription_name),
                                     with_attributes = True)
              | 'Isolate Attributes' >> beam.ParDo(IsolateAttrFn())
              | 'Fix Value Types' >> beam.ParDo(FixTypesFn())
              | 'Scrub First Name' >> beam.ParDo(ScrubFnameFn())
              | 'Fix Nicknames' >> beam.ParDo(FixNicknameFn(), n_tbl=AsList(n_tbl_src))
              | 'Scrub Last Name' >> beam.ParDo(ScrubLnameFn()))

# The final dictionary will then be written to BigQuery for storage
(clean_vote | 'Write to BQ' >> beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
    table = bq_spec,
    write_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND,
    create_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER

# Run the pipeline
So you want to query BQ every time a window gets triggered, right? You could do this by accessing BQ directly through the BQ API, and use that. The Beam BQ source currently works only in batch pipelines unfortunately.Pablo
@Pablo That did it! I assumed that to run in the pipeline, it had initially be a part of the pipeline, but good to know that it doesn't. Appreciate the help. It's that kind of outside of the box thinking that gets the job done!Cam Mattheson

1 Answers


@Pablo's comment above was the correct answer. For anyone working through the same situation, below is the change in my script that worked.

# This opens the Beam pipeline to run Dataflow
p = beam.Pipeline(options = options)
logging.info('Created Dataflow pipeline.')

# This will pull in all of the recorded nicknames to compare to the incoming PubSubMessages.

client = bigquery.Client()
query_job = client.query("""
    select * from `{0}.{1}.{2}`""".format(project_id, dataset_id, nickname_table_id))
nickname_tbl = query_job.result()
nickname_tbl = [dict(row.items()) for row in nickname_tbl]

# This is the main Dataflow pipeline. This will clean the incoming dataset for importing into BQ.
clean_vote = (p
              | beam.io.gcp.pubsub.ReadFromPubSub(topic = None,
                                     subscription = 'projects/{0}/subscriptions/{1}'
                                                  .format(project_id, subscription_name),
                                     with_attributes = True)
              | 'Isolate Attributes' >> beam.ParDo(IsolateAttrFn())
              | 'Fix Value Types' >> beam.ParDo(FixTypesFn())
              | 'Scrub First Name' >> beam.ParDo(ScrubFnameFn())
              | 'Fix Nicknames' >> beam.ParDo(FixNicknameFn(), n_tbl=nickname_tbl)
              | 'Scrub Last Name' >> beam.ParDo(ScrubLnameFn()))

# The final dictionary will then be written to BigQuery for storage
(clean_vote | 'Write to BQ' >> beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
    table = bq_spec,
    write_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND,
    create_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER

# Run the pipeline