
I'm looking for a pre-made option to take 2 builds, and compare the work items or PRs completed between them. i know there are REST API options in order to find out this information ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/build/builds/get%20work%20items%20between%20builds?view=azure-devops-rest-5.0 ) , but i would rather not build my own app for this if one already exists. Is there something built into azure devops that shows this information, preferably in an exportable format? Is there possibly an existing devops extension in the store? Any searching i do just brings up the REST API call and nothing else unfortunately.


2 Answers


They seem to have changed it in Azure DevOps. We are using Azure DevOps Server (on-prem). In it, the old TFS-like work items comparison between the builds is possible when you actually deploy (execute a release) in a stage:

(in the screenshot below the right popup pane is showing the work item "diff" between the build currently deployed in TEST and the one which is about to be deployed now)

enter image description here


If you are open to it being generated at build time, you could look at using the Generate Release Notes Build Task from the marketplace.