
I am a beginner in Highcharts and I am trying to achieve what has been explained in the following case using the Highcharts Editor:

Highcharts Line Chart, display series name at the end of line series

I don't know if the same can be achieved by just using the Editor's interface but if custom code needs to be used, I can do that in the Custom Code tab of the Editor.

I tried inputting in the Custom Code section of the Highcharts Editor the code written by jlbriggs but nothing happens.

Is it possible to get a basic explanation on how to achieve what I want? Below is the HTML code I took from the graph I created in Highcharts Editor.

<div id="highcharts-825789cd-edd9-4d9e-aba4-e3a80fa42369"></div> 
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      var options = {
        "title": {
          "text": "One year, five year and 10 year survival estimates for the 21 most common cancers in England, 1971"
        "subtitle": {
          "text": "Survival estimates in 1971 (%)"
        "exporting": {},
        "chart": {
          "type": "line",
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              "enabled": true
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          "name": "Oesophagus",
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          "name": "Stomach",
          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
          "name": "Colon",
          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0,
          "marker": {
            "enabled": true
          "type": "line"
        }, {
          "name": "Larynx",
          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
          "name": "Melanoma of skin",
          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
          "name": "Cervix",
          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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        }, {
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        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
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          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
          "name": "Multiple myeloma",
          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
          "name": "Leukaemia",
          "turboThreshold": 0
        }, {
          "name": "Other cancers",
          "turboThreshold": 0,
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              "enabled": false
        "data": {
          "csv": "\"Year\";\"Oesophagus\";\"Stomach\";\"Colon\";\"Rectum\";\"Pancreas\";\"Larynx\";\"Lung\";\"Melanoma of skin\";\"Breast\";\"Cervix\";\"Uterus\";\"Ovary\";\"Prostate\";\"Testis\";\"Kidney\";\"Bladder\";\"Brain\";\"Hodgkin's disease\";\"Non-Hodgkin lymphoma\";\"Multiple myeloma\";\"Leukaemia\";\"Other cancers\"\n\"1-year\";14.7;15.3;42.6;54.1;10.2;16;16.3;74.5;74;75.6;43.7;66.1;83.3;44.9;45.4;62.8;17.6;73.9;49.4;36.8;35.4;57.3\n\"5-year\";4;5.2;25.3;23.6;2.4;4.6;4.8;40.5;51.3;59;20.5;36.9;70.5;28.5;28.9;40.9;6.6;54.2;29.3;12.1;13.1;40.4\n\"10-year\";3.3;4;23;19.1;1.3;3.1;3.2;34.9;46;55.5;17.9;25.1;69.2;23;23;33.7;5;45.2;21.7;6.8;6.6;36.9",
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      new Highcharts.Chart("highcharts-825789cd-edd9-4d9e-aba4-e3a80fa42369", options);

I just need the names of each series to be displayed at the end of each line rather than in the legend.


1 Answers


In the "Custom code" section you need to merge your custom options with the options from the editor. There should be an example of how to do that. In essense:

Highcharts.merge(true, options, {
  // custom code

For example, you could use Highcharts.merge in the following way to achieve this:

Highcharts.merge(true, options, {
  plotOptions: {
    series: {
      dataLabels: {
        enabled: true,
        formatter: function () {
          // if last point
          if(this.point === this.series.data[this.series.data.length-1]) {
            return this.series.name;

See this Highcharts Cloud example of it in use.