I am trying to achieve a list of items displaying each item receipts array in a child component(modal-component), but have been unable to do so. Method display_receipts() is to change the data value of receipts_modal to true. where can I place the v-bind to pass the array? Any help is much appreciated.
<modal-component v-if="receipts_modal"></modal-component>
<li v-for="item in items">{{ item.name }}
<span @click="display_receipts(item.receipts)">receipts</span>
<div class="modal">
<li v-for="receipt in receipts">{{ receipt.date }} {{ receipt.email }} {{ receipt.item }}</li>
export default {
props: [receipts],
data() {
return {
receipts: [],
receipt: {
id: '',
date: '',
email: '',
item: ''