Linking a Network Interface while creating a VM (using in the same resource group as that of the Network interface throws this error (I am the owner for the Virtual Network Subnet which is attached to the Network Interface):
"error": {
"details": [],
"code": "NotFound",
"message": "Resource /subscriptions/40fbe15/resourceGroups/sym/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/deletethis374 not found."
Request details:
Headers: Content-Type:application/json Authorization: Bearer 'eyJ0eXAimtpZCI....' (got the token from try it feature of the above mentioned API)
'location': 'westus',
'properties': {
'hardwareProfile': {
'vmSize': 'Standard_D1_v2'
'storageProfile': {
'imageReference': {
'sku': '2016-Datacenter',
'publisher': 'MicrosoftWindowsServer',
'version': 'latest',
'offer': 'WindowsServer'
'osDisk': {
'caching': 'ReadWrite',
'managedDisk': {
'storageAccountType': 'Standard_LRS'
'name': 'myVMosdisk',
'createOption': 'FromImage'
'osProfile': {
"adminUsername": "Demo1",
"computerName": "myVM",
"adminPassword": "Demo1Demo1Demo1"
'networkProfile': {
'networkInterfaces': [
'id': '/subscriptions/40fbe15/resourceGroups/sym/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/deletethis374',
'properties': {
'primary': true