
I am using a loop to create my cell array. It contains the string 'A1' to 'A10'. Is there a way to iterate without using a loop ?

a = cell( 10, 1 );
for i = 1 : length( a )
   a{i} = [ 'A', num2str( i ) ];

a = 

What is wrong with the loop? I bet it’s faster than any of the alternatives below.Cris Luengo

2 Answers


I assume you want to build a without a loop. Let N = 10 as per your example.

Approach 1

a = sprintf('A%i ', 1:N);
a = a(1:end-1);
a = strsplit(a).';

This builds a char vector with a space after each number, removes the final space, splits on spaces, and transposes.

Approach 2

Another approach:

a = deblank(cellstr(strcat('A', strjust(num2str((1:10).'), 'left'))));

This concatenates 'A' with the numbers to form a 2D char array with some spaces; moves the spaces in each row to the right; converts each row into a cell; and removes trailing spaces on each cell.


If you have R2017a or later consider using string arrays instead of cell array of char vectors. You can create your string array using
