I have a task in my Ansible playbook that I'm wanting iterate over each host in the group that I have and for each host I would like to assign a name from the hostname list that I've created in the vars folder.
I'm familiar with looping through inventory already by writing loop: "{{ groups['mygroup'] }}" and I have a list of hostnames I would like to assign each IP in 'mygroup' within the host file.
# In tasks file - roles/company/tasks/main.yml
- name: change hostname
name: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ hostname }}"
register: res
# In the Inventory file
# In vars - roles/company/vars/main.yml
- GL-WKS-18
- GL-WKS-19
- GL-WKS-20
# site.yml file located under /etc/ansible
- hosts: company
- common
- company #This is where the loop exists mentioned above.
# Command to run playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts company.yml
I seem to have the individual pieces down or know about it, but how can I combine iterating over hosts from an inventory group and assign names that I have in an already created list (in roles vars folder) already?
UPDATE the task mentioned above has been updated to reflect changes mentioned in answer:
- name: change hostname
name: "{{ item.1 }}"
loop: {{ groups.company|zip(hostname)|list }}"
register: res
However the output I'm getting is incorrect, this should not run 9 times rather only three times, once per IP in the [company] group in the inventory. Also there are only three hostnames in a list that need to be assigned to each of the hosts in the inventory sheet.
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-18'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-18'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-18'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-19'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-19'])
changed: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-19'])
ok: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-20'])
ok: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-20'])
ok: [] => (item=[u'', u'GL-WKS-20'])