Can one concatenate data frame columns based on the column index stored as a vector, possibly using a stringr function (eg., str_c() ) or paste? And then, how can I do so to create a new variable using dplyr mutate()?
I would like to do so for an email aggregation task that will mean reading Excel worksheets containing varying name columns (e.g., just one Name column and sometimes First and Last Names), using the readxl package.
For example: Say I wanted to concatenate all of the column names containing "color" in the starwars data frame installed with the tidyverse R package.
[1] "name" "height" "mass" "hair_color" "skin_color" "eye_color" "birth_year" "gender" "homeworld" "species" "films"
[12] "vehicles" "starships"
I could capture the index of those columns with:
color_vec_num <- which(grepl("COLOR", toupper(colnames(starwars))))
[1] 4 5 6
What are the column names?
[1] "hair_color" "skin_color" "eye_color"
I can link together those column names easily enough by name. Looking at the first 4 rows of starwars:
str_c(starwars$hair_color, starwars$skin_color, starwars$eye_color)[1:4]
[1] "blondfairblue" NA NA "nonewhiteyellow"
However, my attempts at using the column index have failed.
Edit per Akrun's discovery of a typo Borrowing this SO use of double brackets to create (mutate) a new variable works, but this identifies columns singularly and explicitly rather than using a numeric vector to identify each column index.
starwars %>% mutate(newcolor = paste(.[[4]],.[[5]], .[[6]])) %>% select(name, newcolor)
# A tibble: 87 x 2
name newcolor
<chr> <chr>
1 Luke Skywalker blond fair blue
2 C-3PO NA gold yellow
3 R2-D2 NA white, blue red
This attempt, reminiscent of a previous SO answer for a different question, obviously doesn't look right.
paste(starwars %>% select(color_vec_num), collapse = " ", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
[1] "c(\"blond\", NA, NA, \"none\", \"brown\", \"brown, grey\", \"brown\", NA, \"black\", \"auburn, white\", \"blond\", \"auburn, grey\", \"brown\", \"brown\", NA, NA,