I am absolute newbie in Golang. I am learning through Tour of Go and then implementing ideas with my own understanding. I am having problem with goroutines. I made a unbuffered channel , then sent a string to that channel.
func main() {
p := make(chan string)
p <- "Hello goroutine"
throws error
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
I get it, channel is unbuffered. (That's the reason. Right?).
But when I refactor p <- "Hello goroutine
to a goroutine
func main() {
p := make(chan string)
go sendHello(p)
func sendHello(p chan string) {
p <- "Hello goroutine"
It works without problem. I read that we do not need to use pointers with maps,slices and channels with most cases to modify the value. Was channel p
passed to func sendHello(p chan string)
via a copy which had a separate buffer. I still can not get my head around it.
p <- "Hello"
as no other goroutine is there to read. In your secon example you do have two groroutines, while one is trying to send the other is trying to read and the value will pass the channel. Again: This has nothing to do with how values are passed to functions, "references" or pointers. – Volker