I was trying to look at the sources of some AOSP classes like: "android.com.android.server.am.DumpHeapProvider" (i then found the source inside this repository and looked at it online: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/DumpHeapProvider.java), so I tryed to import the class inside a new project created with AndroidStudio and I immediately noticed that AndroidStudio didn't found the class...
So I was wondering if AOSP classes and its packages are somehow "external" things that should be downloaded and imported in you project before they can be used, just like a library.
It sounds weird because searching for AOSP gets me to a sentence which states that AOSP is composed by android OS and middleware, so I was expecting its libraries to be part of Android SDK, which I downloaded with AndroidStudio...
What is the correct way to use these AOSP classes?