I'm having trouble connecting my Azure Web App to my Azure DevOps organization. I somehow managed to do it for one Web App (by selecting creating a new 'DevOps Project') but now struggle at setting a new WebApp to link to that same DevOps pipeline. (The goal is to have a two stages delivery pipeline, which requires 2 webapps: one for QA, the other for Prod).
When creating a new WebApp, I go to Deployment Center > Azure Repos > Azure Pipelines (Preview) and get the following error message : "You do not have any valid Azure DevOps organization".
Any idea how to make that work? Note: I tried creating WebApps with same resource group and same App Service Plan and doesn't work.
Thanks a lot for any help. Best Lucas
UPDATE: The issue here is having Azure Portal "see" the DevOps organization. Seems to be an account issue: you know how one has two options in account? enter image description here Pretty sure it has something to do with the Azure Portal and DevOps being on different account "directories": "Default Directory" VS "Microsoft Account". But still can't explain the behaviour....