
I'm trying to do a GET HTTPS Request via JMeter. It is a simple request with content-type=application/json, and an auth token. Now for unknown reasons it works perfectly without any issues/problems in Postman, but in JMeter I'm getting an error.

I'm new to JMeter so I can only assume I am just setting something incorrectly.

The HTTP Request I am sending is:


In postman I get a 200 response with the expected JSON response. In JMeter however, it gives me the error:

Could not parse fields query. Must be valid JSON.

I've tried messing with the 'send parameters with the request' option in JMeter by removing the ?fields=['id'] from the Path, and instead setting them in the parameters area, but that gives me the exact same 400 error response code.

Also, if I use the send parameters section, and I look at the request, it doesn't seem to be using the parameters i've set. So I went back to passing the parameter directly in the URL path.

The error implies that the request is not a proper JSON(as you have specified content-type:application/json). Can you share what exactly does the API expect as request parameter?Simrandeep Singh
It is expecting a parameter 'fields' and its value is a list of properties that i want returned. Specifically I want the users 'id' returned, so I am passing the parameter ?fields=['id']. If I send the parameter via the Path, it gives the error mentioned above about it must be a valid JSON. If I try to send the parameter via the 'Send Parameters With the Request' section, as far as I can tell it is not being sent at all, and gives me an error that the fields parameter is missing.MSD
Show how you submit in postmanuser7294900
More confusion: In Postman if I use double quotes for ["id"] it works. If I use single, I get the same 'must be valid json' error. However in JMeter, if I use double quotes, it gives me an error that im using illegal characters.MSD
@user7294900 in Postman, I send that exact same request as in my original post, except i use double quotes. In JMeter, double quotes give me an error for an illegal character.MSD

2 Answers


SOLVED:: The issue is that JMeter does not like the usage of double quotes in the Path field. You can get by this by using %22 in place of double quotes. This solved the problem of not receiving an error when passing the parameter through Path.

  1. Add HTTP Request sampler to your Test Plan
  2. Configure it as follows:

    enter image description here

  3. You might also need to add HTTP Header Manager as a child of your request and configure it to send the relevant Content-Type header

The sent data can be verified using View Results Tree listener:

enter image description here

Also be aware that you can easily create a JMeter test from Postman by just recording the request using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder