
As we know, not all user agent strings begin with "Mozilla/". Some begin with "Opera/". But are these two the only legitimate web browser compatibility tokens, or are there other browsers that begin their user agent strings with other tokens?


I'm only looking for unchanged user agent strings of current web browsers, not "Dalvik" or the CFNetwork user agents ("Safari/"), not bots ("Twitterbot/") or other apps ("Wget/"), not whatever users may change their user agents to, etc. I'm also not looking for historic browsers like "Mosaic/".

pastebin.com/v8Az4yYk (first column - count, second - first part of UA) - list produced by this data: useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php?name=AllTarwirdur Turon
@TarwirdurTuron Hmm, now all I have to do is find out which ones are browsers. And hope that data was complete... I especially like "Bimbot" ;-)user10736308
pastebin.com/uUR9f5hh I'm not sure that it is complete list. And I don't understand why you need such list..Tarwirdur Turon

2 Answers


You may take a look here, where you can find a complete listing of Web Browser user agents sorted by:

  • Software
  • Operating Systems
  • Operating Platforms
  • Software types
  • Hardware types
  • Layout engines

If you goal is to list all legitimate web browser "compatibility token", you may download the whole list as a MySQL DB (here) then do query according to your need.