I'm trying to create a pool using a custom image I created from VM with azure python sdk. The location and resource group match.
Here's my code:
import azure.batch as batch
from azure.batch import BatchServiceClient
from azure.batch.batch_auth import SharedKeyCredentials
from azure.batch import models
account = 'mybatch'
key = 'Adgfdj1hhsdfqATc/K2fgxdfg/asYgKRP2pUdfglBce7mgmSBdfgdhC7f3Zdfgrcgkdgh/dfglA=='
batch_url = 'https://mybatch.westeurope.batch.azure.com'
creds = SharedKeyCredentials(account, key)
batch_client = BatchServiceClient(creds, base_url = batch_url)
pool_id_base = 'mypool'
idx = 1
pool_id = pool_id_base + str( idx )
while batch_client.pool.exists( pool_id ):
idx += 1
pool_id = pool_id_base + str( idx )
print( 'pool_id ' + pool_id )
sku_to_use = 'batch.node.ubuntu 18.04'
# image_ref_to_use = models.ImageReference(
# offer = 'UbuntuServer',
# publisher = 'Canonical',
# sku = '18.04-LTS',
# version = 'latest'
# )
image_ref_to_use = models.ImageReference(
virtual_machine_image_id = '/subscriptions/1834572sd-34sd409a-sdfb-sc345csdfesourceGroups/resource-group-1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/my-image-1'
vm_size = 'Standard_D3_v2'
vmc = models.VirtualMachineConfiguration(
image_reference = image_ref_to_use,
node_agent_sku_id = sku_to_use
new_pool = models.PoolAddParameter(
id = pool_id,
vm_size = vm_size,
virtual_machine_configuration = vmc,
target_dedicated_nodes = 1
According to the docs I should be able to use either virtual_machine_image_id other provide marketplace image parameters. I can create a pool of standard marketplace images, but I get an error when I'm trying to use an id of my custom image.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "create_pool.py", line 60, in <module>
batch_client.pool.add(new_pool) File "/root/miniconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/azure/batch/operations/pool_operations.py", line 312, in add
raise models.BatchErrorException(self._deserialize, response) azure.batch.models.batch_error.BatchErrorException: {'additional_properties': {}, 'lang': 'en-US', 'value': 'Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.\nRequestId:0dfdf9c1-edad-4b72-8e8f-f8dbcfd0abbdf\nTime:2018-12-06T10:51:21.9417222Z'}
How can I resolve this issue?
I tried to use ServicePrincipalCredentials with the following:
CLIENT_ID: I created a new application in Defaut Directiry -> Add registration and got it's Application ID.
SECRET: A created a key for the new application and used its value.
TENANT_ID: az account show
in the cloud shell.
RESOURCE: Used 'https://batch.core.windows.net/'.
Updated my code like this:
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
creds = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
And I get another error:
Keyring cache token has failed: No recommended backend was available. Install the keyrings.alt package if you want to use the non-recommended backends. See README.rst for details.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "create_pool.py", line 41, in <module>
while batch_client.pool.exists( pool_id ):
File "/root/miniconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/azure/batch/operations/pool_operations.py", line 624, in exists
raise models.BatchErrorException(self._deserialize, response)
azure.batch.models.batch_error.BatchErrorException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'Server failed to authorize the request.'