I have a Databricks notebook setup that works as the following;
- pyspark connection details to Blob storage account
- Read file through spark dataframe
- convert to pandas Df
- data modelling on pandas Df
- convert to spark Df
- write to blob storage in single file
My problem is, that you can not name the file output file, where I need a static csv filename.
Is there way to rename this in pyspark?
## Blob Storage account information
storage_account_name = ""
storage_account_access_key = ""
## File location and File type
file_location = "path/.blob.core.windows.net/Databricks_Files/input"
file_location_new = "path/.blob.core.windows.net/Databricks_Files/out"
file_type = "csv"
## Connection string to connect to blob storage
Followed by outputting file after data transformation
dfspark.coalesce(1).write.format('com.databricks.spark.csv') \
.mode('overwrite').option("header", "true").save(file_location_new)
Where the file is then write as "part-00000-tid-336943946930983.....csv"
Where as a the goal is to have "Output.csv"
Another approach I looked at was just recreating this in python but have not come across in the documentation yet of how to output the file back to blob storage.
I know the method to retrieve from Blob storage is .get_blob_to_path via microsoft.docs
Any help here is greatly appreciated.