
I am trying to retrieve data from lotus notes database view using a java program. Below is my code:

int resultsCount = view.getEntryCount();
print("Results found in view = " + resultsCount);           

Document doc = view.getFirstDocument();
if (doc != null) {
    int count = 1;  
    while (count <= resultsCount) {
        try {
            doc = view.getNextDocument(doc);
            if (doc == null) {
                print("Record " + count + " error. Null object.");  
        } catch (NotesException e) {
                print("Record " + count + " error. Exception.");
else {
    print("Record " + count + " error. Null object.");

I get below results:
Results found in view = 1567
Record 866 error. Null object.

Why is there a null document found when actually 1567 records present in the db view?
How can I resume to get rest of the records, because view.getNextDocument(doc) fails with Notes Exception after this happens.

Are you using ODA or did you miss the recycle()umeli
@umeli I do recycle. This is fixed now after using view.getAllEntries().getCount();Leni

1 Answers


Fixed by using

int resultsCount = view.getAllEntries().getCount();

instead of

int resultsCount = view.getEntryCount();

Using view.getAllEntries().getCount() returns the actual entry count which is 866. I am not sure what view.getEntryCount() returns. But it is definitely not the actual document count.

As mentioned in XPages getEntryCount vs getAllEntries().getCount() view.getEntryCount() includes replications and save conflicts. Therefore to get actual record count needs to use view.getAllEntries().getCount()