
I am new in DynamoDb but I want to query data using .NET and I am I little bit confused that DynamoDb forces me to use Primary key and KeyConditionExpression.

For example in SQL I can do something like this SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE name = 'Alex' and in this case name is NOT a primary key. But I can not do something similar in DynamoDb.

Here is my code:

        var request = new QueryRequest
            TableName = "CompanyCommunication",
            KeyConditionExpression = "Id = :v_Id",
            FilterExpression = "CompanyName = :v_Com",
            ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> {
            {":v_Com", new AttributeValue { S =  "Microsoft" }} , {":v_Id", new AttributeValue { S = "1" }  }  }

Id is my primary key. But I can not comment KeyConditionExpression or use some another field in KeyConditionExpression.

But how I can do a query not using primary key? For example, using only a CompanyName field.

Maybe I misunderstand something?


1 Answers


If you want to query without putting KeyCondition then you have to have Index table. You can check following link for more details.


It explains with examples to use GSI.