
I have an OAuthPrompt prompting a user to Login in Microsoft Teams. Previously I had an issue where the Login button would not open an external link prompting the user with a manual login. This was solved by adding some information to the manifest, following this post: https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/issues/707. The issue that I am now facing is that certain users when attempting to login get a bad request after they type in their email and password. I'm not sure why this is happening. Could I get some information about which users this should work for? Perhaps it is because they are not owners of the web app bot? I am using Bot Framework SDK v4 if that matters.

Edit: The way that I am prompting the user with the built in OAuthPrompt is as follows:

    return new OAuthPrompt(
            new OAuthPromptSettings
                ConnectionName = connectionName,
                Text = "Please login by pressing the button below...",
                Title = "Login",
                Timeout = 300000, // User has 5 minutes to login

Here is how that renders in teams and the url it sends to: OAuthPrompt teams render

What did you set as the tenant ID's for your OAuth connection?Kyle Delaney
@KyleDelaney I'm not sure how to find the tenant ID. I'm going to edit my question to include information about the OAuthPrompt.craigbot
Did you set up an OAuth connection in your bot resource's settings in Azure? docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/…Kyle Delaney
There are currently some restrictions to where you can use the OAuthCard in Microsoft Teams. It does not support Guest User, Microsoft Teams free users. Read more here: Support for the OAuthCard. Could you please confirm if it's freemium or guest user?Wajeed-MSFT
@KyleDelaney yes, we have set up an OAuth connection. It works for two people in Teams, but no one else that we have tested with so far. Here it is: i.imgur.com/gsumAfE.pngcraigbot

1 Answers


For some reason the OAuth setting that I set up in the portal disappeared and so the name for the connectionName within the OAuthPrompt wasn't referencing an actual connection name. To fix this, I went into the web app bot -> settings, and added a new setting under OAuth Connection Settings.