
enter image description here

I have this problem to solve that is shown in the picture. i have tried the code given below

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spyder Editor
This is a temporary script file.
from constraint import *

problem = Problem()





problem.addVariable('twoDOWN',  ['HOSES','LASER','SAILS','SHEET','STEER'])

problem.addVariable('threeDOWN',  ['HOSES','LASER','SAILS','SHEET','STEER'])



problem.addConstraint(lambda oneACROSS,twoDOWN : oneACROSS[3]==twoDOWN[1])

problem.addConstraint(lambda oneACROSS,threeDOWN : oneACROSS[5]==threeDOWN[1]) 

problem.addConstraint(lambda fourACROSS,twoDOWN : fourACROSS[2]==twoDOWN[3])

problem.addConstraint(lambda fourACROSS,fiveDOWN : fourACROSS[3]==fiveDOWN[1])

problem.addConstraint(lambda threeDOWN,fourACROSS : fourACROSS[4]==threeDOWN[3])

problem.addConstraint(lambda twoDOWN,sevenACROSS : sevenACROSS[1]==twoDOWN[4])

problem.addConstraint(lambda sevenACROSS,fiveDOWN : sevenACROSS[2]==fiveDOWN[2]) 

problem.addConstraint(lambda threeDOWN,sevenACROSS : sevenACROSS[3]==threeDOWN[4])

problem.addConstraint(lambda sixDOWN,eightACROSS : eightACROSS[1]==sixDOWN[2])

problem.addConstraint(lambda twoDOWN,eightACROSS : eightACROSS[3]==twoDOWN[5])

problem.addConstraint(lambda fiveDOWN,eightACROSS : eightACROSS[4]==fiveDOWN[3])

problem.addConstraint(lambda threeDOWN,eightACROSS : eightACROSS[5]==threeDOWN[5])



But it gives me this error

runfile('C:/Users/aliya/.spyder-py3/temp.py', wdir='C:/Users/aliya/.spyder-py3') Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in runfile('C:/Users/aliya/.spyder-py3/temp.py', wdir='C:/Users/aliya/.spyder-py3')

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 668, in runfile execfile(filename, namespace)

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 108, in execfile exec(compile(f.read(), filename, 'exec'), namespace)

File "C:/Users/aliya/.spyder-py3/temp.py", line 50, in solution=problem.getSolutions()

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\constraint__init__.py", line 271, in getSolutions return self._solver.getSolutions(domains, constraints, vconstraints)

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\constraint__init__.py", line 567, in getSolutions return list(self.getSolutionIter(domains, constraints, vconstraints))

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\constraint__init__.py", line 544, in getSolutionIter if not constraint(variables, domains, assignments, pushdomains):

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\constraint__init__.py", line 991, in call self.forwardCheck(variables, domains, assignments)

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\constraint__init__.py", line 935, in forwardCheck if not self(variables, domains, assignments):

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\constraint__init__.py", line 993, in call return self._func(*parms)

TypeError: lambda() takes 2 positional arguments but 8 were given

Any help regarding this!

TypeError: <lambda>() takes 2 positional arguments but 8 were given ... but i am giving only two to the lambda function !Ali Yar Khan

3 Answers


On all the lines starting with problem.addConstraint you are using variable names starting with a number, e.g. 1ACROSS and 2DOWN. This is not allowed in Python. Try calling them ONEACROSS and TWODOWN or VAR1ACROSS and VAR2DOWN, for instance, and it should work better.


Python parser forbids naming variables that way, for the sake of parsing numbers and variables separately, as naming a variable 1e1 would create a chaos - is it the number 10.0 or the variable 1e1?

"Python, please output for me 1e1!" - "Why is it 10.0? I stored 100 over there!"

But the variables are actually stored in a way that allows binding a string that starts with a number to a value, because that feature is no harm in hashing maps of any kind, and so using this "trick" you can achieve your wanted numeral-prefixed-name variable without hurting the parser severability.

I would say that technically, naming variables in that manner is not a violation to python guidelines, but it is highly discouraged, and as a rule unnecessary. Using globals for injecting variables is known as a very bad practice and this case should not be an outstanding.

So change

problem.addConstraint(lambda 1ACROSS,2DOWN: 1ACROSS in range((1,1),(1,5)) and 2DOWN in range ((1,3),(5,3)) and 1ACROSS[2]==2DOWN[0])
problem.addConstraint(lambda 3DOWN,1ACROSS: 3DOWN in range((1,5),(5,5)) and 1ACROSS[4]==3DOWN[0])
problem.addConstraint(lambda 4ACROSS,5DOWN: 4ACROSS in range((3,2),(3,5)) and 5DOWN in range ((3,4),(6,4)) and 4ACROSS[1]==2DOWN[2] and 4ACROSS[2]==5DOWN[0] and 4ACROSS[3]==3DOWN[2])
problem.addConstraint(lambda 6DOWN,8ACROSS: 6DOWN in range((4,1),(6,1)) and 8ACROSS in range((5,1),(5,5)) and 6DOWN[1]==8ACROSS[0])


problem.addConstraint(lambda ACROSS,DOWN: ACROSS in range((1,1),(1,5)) and DOWN in range ((1,3),(5,3)) and ACROSS[2]==DOWN[0])
problem.addConstraint(lambda DOWN,ACROSS: DOWN in range((1,5),(5,5)) and ACROSS[4]==DOWN[0])
problem.addConstraint(lambda ACROSS,DOWN: ACROSS in range((3,2),(3,5)) and DOWN in range ((3,4),(6,4)) and ACROSS[1]==DOWN[2] and ACROSS[2]==DOWN[0] and ACROSS[3]==DOWN[2])
problem.addConstraint(lambda DOWN,ACROSS: DOWN in range((4,1),(6,1)) and ACROSS in range((5,1),(5,5)) and DOWN[1]==ACROSS[0])

hi dear crossword puzzle is a very complex problem i have a solution of this assignment but implemented with ortools library by google. Following are the requirements to use this library: Requirements:

**Library:** ortools by google

**Requirements for this library:**

**1-you have to install/update your pip forcefully by 2 commands:**
    1- "conda config --add channels conda-forge"
    2- "conda insatll pip=18.0"

**2-you have to update or install protobuf library version=3.6.1 using following command:**
    1- "pip insatll protobuf=3.6.1"

**3-if protobuf cannot istall following libraries with it you have to also install them:**
   1- six 1.11.1 (Query: pip install six=1.11.0).
   2- setuptools 40.6.2 (Query: pip install setuptools=40.6.2)
   3- ortools 6.10.6025 (Query: pip install ortools=6.10.6025)
**"pywrapcp"** this function will help for the creation of the solver.
**.IntVar() **function is used to add the varriable and domains
**.Add()** function is used to add constraints.

follow is the code for this problem:

    ## Author: Ahsan Azeem
## Solution of Crossword using ortools library
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
def main():
  solver = pywrapcp.Solver("Problem")
  alpha = "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  a = 1
  b = 2
  c = 3
  d = 4
  e = 5
  f = 6
  g = 7
  h = 8
  i = 9
  j = 10
  k = 11
  l = 12
  m = 13
  n = 14
  o = 15
  p = 16
  q = 17
  r = 18
  s = 19
  t = 20
  u = 21
  v = 22
  w = 23
  x = 24
  y = 25
  z = 26
  num_words = 15
  word_len = 5
  AA = [
      [h, o, s, e, s],  # HOSES
      [l, a, s, e, r],  # LASER
      [s, a, i, l, s],  # SAILS
      [s, h, e, e, t],  # SHEET
      [s, t, e, e, r],  # STEER
      [h, e, e, l, 0],  # HEEL
      [h, i, k, e, 0],  # HIKE
      [k, e, e, l, 0],  # KEEL
      [k, n, o, t, 0],  # KNOT
      [l, i, n, e, 0],  # LINE
      [a, f, t, 0, 0],  # AFT
      [a, l, e, 0, 0],  # ALE
      [e, e, l, 0, 0],  # EEL
      [l, e, e, 0, 0],  # LEE
      [t, i, e, 0, 0]  # TIE
  num_overlapping = 12
  overlapping = [
      [0, 2, 1, 0],  # s
      [0, 4, 2, 0],  # s
      [3, 1, 1, 2],  # i
      [3, 2, 4, 0],  # k
      [3, 3, 2, 2],  # e
      [6, 0, 1, 3],  # l
      [6, 1, 4, 1],  # e
      [6, 2, 2, 3],  # e
      [7, 0, 5, 1],  # l
      [7, 2, 1, 4],  # s
      [7, 3, 4, 2],  # e
      [7, 4, 2, 4]  # r
  n = 8
  A = {}
  for I in range(num_words):
    for J in range(word_len):
      A[(I, J)] = solver.IntVar(0, 26, "A(%i,%i)" % (I, J))
  A_flat = [A[(I, J)] for I in range(num_words) for J in range(word_len)]
  E = [solver.IntVar(0, num_words, "E%i" % I) for I in range(n)]
  for I in range(num_words):
    for J in range(word_len):
      solver.Add(A[(I, J)] == AA[I][J])
  for I in range(num_overlapping):
    # This is what I would do:
    # solver.Add(A[(E[overlapping[I][0]], overlapping[I][1])] ==  A[(E[overlapping[I][2]], overlapping[I][3])])
    # But we must use Element explicitly
            A_flat, E[overlapping[I][0]] * word_len + overlapping[I][1]) ==
            A_flat, E[overlapping[I][2]] * word_len + overlapping[I][3]))
  solution = solver.Assignment()
  db = solver.Phase(E + A_flat,
  num_solutions = 0
  while solver.NextSolution():
    print_solution(A, E, alpha, n, word_len)
    num_solutions += 1
  print("num_solutions:", num_solutions)
  print("failures:", solver.Failures())
def print_solution(A, E, alpha, n, word_len):
  for ee in range(n):
    print("%i: (%2i)" % (ee, E[ee].Value()), end=' ')
    print("".join(["%s" % (alpha[A[ee, ii].Value()]) for ii in range(word_len)]))
if __name__ == "__main__":

hope you got you answer