Keep application.hbs as minimal and common across all routes as you can. What you shoud do is generate top level routes for your application.
Say you have a common setup where you have an authenticated section, post login, and a login section. It is common for pre and post login to have differing top level templates. Try something like this:
ember g route login
ember g route login/index
ember g route login/forgot-password
ember g route authenticated
ember g route authenticated/index
ember g route authenticated/profile
Your login.hbs would have its own style, and potentially child routes, which will assume that style and place subsequent nested templates in the {{outlet}} that others have mentioned.
File Structure:
In the example above, login.hbs might look like this:
and authenticated.hbs like this:
Now, the login/index.hbs and login/forgot-password.hbs templates will render in the login.hbs outlet. both of these pages will render a yellow navbar, and then their own content.
Because authenticated.hbs is another top level parent route, both authenticated/index.hbs and authenticated/profile.hbs will render their content beneath a pink navbar and a display of the current user's name.
if your application.hbs looked like this:
<h2>Website Name</h2>
Then all of the routes, both authenticated and login, will be in the general-site-container, and will all show the h2 with the website name.
An important note in this, and something that I see a lot of people get confused with, is that this folder structure does not dictate the actual path of the route.
The router might be configured like this, to avoid showing "authenticated" in the url:
// login.index route assumed at root url /login
this.route('login', { path: '/login' }, function() {
// avail at /login/forgot-password
this.route('forgot-password', { path: '/forgot-password' }
//authenticated.index.hbs assumed at root avail at /
//notice that the authenticated parent route has a route of "/"
this.route('authenticated', { path: '/' }, function() {
// authenticated.profile route avail at /profile
this.route('profile', { path: '/profile' });
// as an exmaple you can further nest content to your desire
// if for instance your profile personal info section has a parent
// template/route
this.route('', { path: '/personal-info' }, function() {
this.route('address', { path: '/address' }); //profile/personal-info/address