
I have created the form in Symfony 1.4/Doctrine) that is generated from the schema i can manipulate the field labels, the validation, modifying the widgets to get data from the db and can generate a new filed that is not in the schema.

The problem is the form is generated by $form variable and the the new field i create is at the bottom of this set of fields. How do i insert it somewhere in the schema generated fields.

Note . All i want to do is have Password and Confirm Password. Password is onviously in the schema but Confirm Password is not.


3 Answers


sfForm::useFields() is a new function to symfony 1.3 that allows the developer to specify exactly which fields the form should use and in which order they should be displayed. All other non-hidden fields are removed from the form.

from More With Forms Symfony 1.4


You can make any change by rendering each field separately in your template or view. For example, if you have user, password and confirm_password fields you can do:

//template or view
<?php echo $form['user']->renderRow()?><br/>
<?php echo $form['password']->renderRow()?><br/>
<?php echo $form['confirm_password']->renderRow()?>

if you want to do more complex things see Jobeet Form Example


You can use setPositions from the WidgetSchema to set positions of all your fields:


    0 => 'field_one',
    1 => 'field_two',
    // etc...

Or you can "move" a field across the form with moveField:


// Moving to top
$this->getWidgetSchema()->moveField('field_one', sfWidgetFormSchema::FIRST);
// Moving before 'field_two'
$this->getWidgetSchema()->moveField('field_three', sfWidgetFormSchema::BEFORE, 'field_two');

//    *  Available actions are:
//    *
//    *  sfWidgetFormSchema::BEFORE
//    *  sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER
//    *  sfWidgetFormSchema::LAST
//    *  sfWidgetFormSchema::FIRST