
I am not being able to get the hits from the elasticsearch server. My code-

client = Elasticsearch::Client.new log: true
client.indices.refresh index: 'property_index'
# search_results = client.search(body: { query: { multi_match: { query: search_params, fields: ['street_address', 'suburb'] } } })
match_query = [
  { match: { status: 'Active'} }
match_query << { match: { is_published: true} }
match_query << { match: { paid: true} }
match_query << { match: { suburb: params[:suburb].to_s} } if !params[:suburb].blank?
match_query << { match: { advertise_type: params[:advertise_type].to_s} } if !params[:advertise_type].blank?
match_query << { match: { state: params[:state].to_s} } if !params[:state].blank?
match_query << { match: { postal_code: params[:postal_code]} } if !params[:postal_code].blank?
response = client.search(body: {
                                  query: { bool: { must: match_query }},
                                  sort: [
                                    { updated_at: { order: "desc" }}
                              }, from: params[:offset], size: params[:limit])

all_records = client.search(body: {
                query: { bool: { must: match_query }},
                sort: [
                  { updated_at: { order: "desc" }}

This is the response output that i am getting-

GET http://localhost:9200/_search?from=0&size=10 [status:200, request:0.010s, query:0.003s]

2018-11-20 18:25:34 +0530: > {"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"match":{"status":"Active"}},{"match":{"is_published":true}},{"match":{"paid":true}},{"match":{"advertise_type":"Sell"}}]}},"sort":[{"updated_at":{"order":"desc"}}]} 2018-11-20 18:25:34 +0530: < {"took":3,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":1,"successful":1,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":0,"max_score":null,"hits":[]}} 2018-11-20 18:25:34 +0530: GET http://localhost:9200/_search [status:200, request:0.008s, query:0.002s] 2018-11-20 18:25:34 +0530: > {"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"match":{"status":"Active"}},{"match":{"is_published":true}},{"match":{"paid":true}},{"match":{"advertise_type":"Sell"}}]}},"sort":[{"updated_at":{"order":"desc"}}]} 2018-11-20 18:25:34 +0530: < {"took":2,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":1,"successful":1,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":0,"max_score":null,"hits":[]}}

please provide more information... error and logsSikandar Tariq
i am not getting any errors but i will post the information logSoumyadip Chakraborty

1 Answers


It's kind of difficult to tell what's wrong if we do not know about the structure or what you're trying to achieve with the query.

The information log says the following:

 successful: 1
 total: 0 

Which means, that the query was successful, and the server encountered no errors. It just did not find any matching documents to your query.

I'd recommend using a proper tool to first try your queries, for an example Kibanas' search profiler (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/xpack-profiler.html).

This shows you information about your query, once you find your query suitable, you can integrate it into your code.